Feb 13, 2008 - Yani bilgisayarla cok fazla zaman gecirmeyen, yalnizca gunde bir kez postalarini kontrol etmek icin bilgisayarini acan, nadir chat yapan diger ...
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Two Wonderful Tales-Wake Up the Baby's Coming and Lucinda Queen of Everything!
Google 2010'un baslarinda Google Buzz adinda yeni bir hizmetin duyurusunu yapti. Facebook'taki durum g�ncellemesinin (status update) ya da Twitter uygulamasinin bir benzeri olan bu hizmet, zaten Facebook ya da Twitter'la hasir nesir olmus kullanicilardan fazla ilgi g�rmedi. Google Reader, Blogger, Picasa, Flickr, Twitter gibi baska hizmetlerle entegrasyon se�enegi de sunan hizmet bir t�rl�
This week I found myself redesiging the JK-Sk classroom. While I was in the room, I kept my ears on the children's conversations and my eyes on their experiences. As I often do, I was listening for possiblities to move in new directions. I glanced over at few children who were erecting a structure in front of the projection screen. There was no conversation between them as they were focused on their task. I couldn't help but marvel at the shadows that were being cast. In fact, even Oliver's glasses were distinguishable on the screen. I made my way over to them. "Your shadows are amazing!" The children looked at me as if to say, "Would they be anything short of amazing?" Then, I posed a question. "Do your shadows do the same work as you?" They did not respond to my question. Instead they turned to the screen to reflect on their shadows. They moved their arms up and down and jumped. Oliver turned to me and said, "They do the same as we do!...
Elektronik kitap, sayisal kitap, dijital kitap, e-kitap, elektronik m�rekkep, e-ink� E-kitap teknolojisi yeni olmamasina karsin hakkinda merak edilen �ok sey var. Daha �nceki yazilarda da degindigimiz bazi sorulari bir araya getirerek kapsamli bir soru cevap arsivi hazirlamanin iyi olacagini d�s�nd�k. Belki siz de aklinizdaki sorularin yanitlarini bulabilirsiniz. ePub nedir? ePub a�ik bir
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